Capital Region Blueprint for Regional Mobility

Taking bold action to advance the Capital Region of Baltimore, Washington, and Richmond's transportation system.

From Vision to Action

The Capital Region’s Mobility Agenda

Thomas F. Farrell, II

Chairman, President & CEO Dominion Energy

Mark A. Weinberger

Global Chairman & CEO, EY

Kenneth A. Samet

President & CEO MedStar Health

The Capital Region of Baltimore, Washington, and Richmond is an economic powerhouse—the third largest regional economy in the United States, and the seventh largest in the world.

With more than 10 million people; hundreds of major companies; world-class universities and research institutions; four significant airports; two marine ports; proximity to the ocean, mountains, and the bay; access to the arts and top-notch museums; and the seat of the United States government, our region has unparalleled strengths, diversity, and potential.

Our transportation system, however, is too often failing to meet our needs; and, as the population continues to grow, the system is on path to become a liability that undermines our competitiveness and impedes our quality of life. The Capital Region’s transportation system was built over decades and it, indeed, boasts an extensive network of multi-modal assets compared to many peers. The challenges the system faces are a result of the lack of coordination across jurisdictions, underinvestment relative to growing consumer needs, and inconsistent execution due to the lack of a clear and consistent agenda for the region. We are already feeling the pinch—through lost wages and productive working hours, higher prices of goods as the cost of moving freight rises, and challenges attracting and retaining talent.

Even if we execute on currently planned investments, we will only slow the deterioration of our transportation system’s performance. With currently planned investments, by 2040 the region’s consumers are projected to see congestion grow by more than 150 percent from 2015 levels. In other words, by 2040 the region’s consumers will go from sitting in congestion 30 percent of each trip to nearly 50 percent.

This is unacceptable. We must act with urgency and boldly look to both straightforward and innovation solutions. We must collaboratively approach this collective challenge. That is what is required for the Capital Region to take its appropriate place as one of the most important regions for decades ahead, a region that is a global leader with a high quality of life, a region where everyone can thrive and reach their potential.

It is with that challenge that the Greater Washington Partnership embarked to develop a Blueprint for Regional Mobility. Yet, the development of such an effort requires the input and collaboration of many. With support, collaboration, and input from the public and hundreds of stakeholders across the Capital Region, the national and regional leaders who comprise the Partnership’s Regional Mobility Steering Committee, the Equitable Access Task Force, and the Employer Mobility Solution Task Force, the Greater Washington Partnership releases the Blueprint for Regional Mobility, a performance-based transportation agenda bridging jurisdictional boundaries, combining a range of solutions to drive improvement around four priorities: (1) connecting the super-region; (2) improving consumer experience; (3) ensuring equitable access; and (4) integrating innovation.

The Capital Region’s Blueprint for Regional Mobility lays out an agenda for working together to make tangible progress on these priorities, with specific actions our region’s public leaders and private employers can take to address the unique challenges facing our region. Only through collective action can we ensure that when one wins, we all win.

Together, we can reshape our region’s transportation system. Implementation of the Blueprint’s solutions will measurably improve the performance and reliability of our transportation system for all of our region’s residents—transforming the system into an asset that ensures we remain globally competitive. The prosperity and future success of our region are too important for us to wait any longer.

Mobility Co-Chairs, Greater Washington Partnership

Our Team

Transforming the transportation system’s trajectory is paramount to the long-term success for the Capital Region, from Baltimore to Richmond. With this in mind, the Partnership created the first-ever employer led agenda for the Capital Region’s transportation system. Together, we will continue to work with stakeholders to make meaningful progress to transform the region’s transportation system to enhance our economic productivity and quality of life. Logo

Thirty-four organizations join Greater Washington Partnership in committing to transform region’s transportation system

View the Letter

The Capital Region's transportation system, which has helped drive our region’s economic success, has tremendous assets compared to many peers. However, coordination of plans and investment are not keeping pace with the needs of the region’s 10.2 million residents.

It’s time for a bold solution.

Of the Capital Region’s 10.2 million residents, nearly 50% cross county borders and 20% cross state lines daily to access their jobs.

Priority 1

Connect the Super-Region

Better connect Baltimore, Washington, and Richmond with faster, more reliable, and robust rail and highway options.

Priority 2

Improve the Consumer Experience

Prioritize investments and develop a modern funding strategy.

Priority 3

Ensure Equitable Access

Provide equitable access for every resident in our region.

Priority 4

Integrate Innovation

And adopt innovative solutions to overcome our most immediate transportation issues.

The Capital Region has an extensive transportation system of roadways, rail, transit service, and trails that serve its 10.2 million residents.

This interactive map includes the region’s thousands of census blocks, 47 independent cities/counties, and the metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) for Baltimore, Washington, and Richmond.

Use the toggle on the left-hand side of your screen to explore the region’s transportation system.

The key at the bottom of the map provides data insights on various communities’ access to jobs and essential destinations within 45 minutes by the transportation option. Use zoom and search functionality to see how transit and opportunity intersect in your community. For a link to the full methodology, see the link in the bottom left-hand corner.

Click here to explore the map

Regional Solutions

  1. 01. Modernize Intercity and Commuter Rail
    Actions + Next Moves
  2. 02. Improve Roadway and Trail Performance
    Actions + Next Moves
  3. 03. Create High-Performing Public Transit
    Actions + Next Moves
  4. 04. Grow Employer Mobility Programs
    Actions + Next Moves
  5. 05. Expand Access to Opportunity
    Actions + Next Moves
  6. 06. Enable Technology-Driven Future
    Actions + Next Moves
  7. 07. Reform Governance and Funding
    Actions + Next Moves

About the Report

In preparing the Blueprint for Regional Mobility, we sought the expertise of numerous dedicated public officials and other transportation stakeholders, including elected officials, representatives of state and city departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, transit authorities, businesses, labor organizations, chambers of commerce, academic institutions, and nonprofit organizations. We thank these individuals for their thoughtful contributions to our work. From this work, we are confident we have the dedication and talent needed to collectively deliver transformational results for the region.

The Greater Washington Partnership would like to thank the employers that comprise the Greater Washington Partnership for their time and support of this key initiative. In particular we would like to acknowledge the Partnership’s Co-Chairs, Steering Committee, and Employer Mobility Solution Task Force members for their commitment to the development of this Blueprint.

In preparing this Blueprint, the Greater Washington Partnership sought expert guidance from nationally recognized transportation experts on both the Steering Committee and the Equitable Access Task Force. We would like to thank all the individuals who participated and took leadership roles in providing constructive comments and support in developing these specific topics in the Blueprint.

Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the project team that researched and developed this Blueprint. For their expert technical and analytical support we thank Frederick Ducca, Sevgi Erdogan, Dr. Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Kim Fisher, Uri Avin of the University of Maryland’s National Center for Smart Growth Research & Education, as well as Jon Godsmark, Tim Melrose, Nikhil Jain, Ammar Farooq, and the EY team. We also thank Kevin Heaslip, Ashley Robbins, and the Virginia Tech team for their research support. For her research, counsel, and contributions to this Blueprint, we would like to thank Sarah Kline of SK Solutions LLC. We also thank Alex Depompolo of Depompolo Solutions LLC for her research, contributions, and management of this work.

Download the
Summary Report

PDF format, 29.8 MB

Download Actions
& Next Moves

PDF format, 1 MB

Mobility Initiative Co-Chairs

  • Thomas F. Farrell, II
    Chairman, President & CEO
    Dominion Energy
  • Kenneth A. Samet
    President & CEO
    MedStar Health
  • Mark A. Weinberger
    Global Chairman & CEO

Mobility Initiative Steering Committee

  • Robert Blue, Dominion Energy
  • Michael Curran, MedStar Health
  • Tyler Duvall, McKinsey & Company
  • Marcia Hale, Building America’s Future
  • Maurice Jones, LISC
  • Jason Miller, Greater Washington Partnership
  • John Porcari, WSP USA
  • Kevin Virostek, EY
  • Edward Wytkind, EW Strategies, LLC
  • David Zipper, German Marshall Fund, 1776 Seed Fund

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