Regional mobility is critical to an
efficient, productive and
prosperous regional economy

It expands our options for employment and housing; it enables the connection of people, ideas, and innovation; it opens access to new educational opportunities, and it shapes our quality of life.

Four Priorities for Our Region’s Transportation

  1. Connect the Super Region:
    Through faster, more reliable, and robust mobility options, we will create a more closely connected super-region—with a focus on connecting the major downtown activity centers of Baltimore, Washington, and Richmond – to maximize the economic benefits of expanded access to talent, housing, and intellectual and social amenities.

  2. Ensure Equitable Access:
    Through affordable, reliable, and diverse mobility options, every resident of the Capital Region — regardless of his or her community — will have access to employment, education, and healthcare opportunities that expand economic mobility and opportunity.

  3. Improve the Consumer Experience:
    Through an expanded, modernized, and coordinated network of mobility options cutting across our region’s jurisdictional boundaries, travel to and from daily destinations will be seamless and reliable, resulting in greater productivity and better quality of life.

  4. Integrate Innovation:
    By encouraging and enabling the consistent, seamless, and rapid adoption of mobility innovations across the region and its jurisdictional boundaries, we will enable and accelerate a highly connected super-region, an improved consumer experience, and more equitable access for all.

Regional Mobility & Infrastructure Committee

Robert M. Blue (Co-chair)


Ken Samet (Co-chair)


Mark Weinberger (Co-chair)


David Calhoun


Greta J. Harris

Better Housing Coalition

Donald Blue Jenkins


Matt Kelly


Dan Kotter


Robert Moser


Bill Stromberg


Grant Verstandig


Quick Stats

Latest Work

Capital Region Rail Vision

The Capital Region Rail Vision aims to advance regional rail collaboration to improve regional indicators for economic development, housing, and inclusive growth. The Vision presents the current plans and systems for MARC, VRE, and Amtrak; discusses a detailed proposal for an integrated regional rail system; and outlines the expected benefits and barriers to stronger economic and inclusive growth that can be unlocked by the Rail Vision.

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Economic and social benefits of completing the Baltimore Greenway Trails Network

This study examines the potential economic and social benefits of a $28m plan to expand and connect the existing trails in the City of Baltimore to create a unified 35-mile Baltimore Greenway Trails Network.

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Capital Region Blueprint for Regional Mobility

In preparing the Blueprint for Regional Mobility, we engaged hundreds of dedicated public officials and other mobility stakeholders, including elected officials, representatives of state and city departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, transit authorities, businesses, labor organizations, chambers of commerce, academic institutions, and nonprofit organizations.

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What percentage of commuters travel to a new jurisdiction for work?

Nearly 50% of commuters

Prior to the pandemic, of the region’s 10.2 million residents, nearly 50% of those who commute cross county borders and 20% cross state lines daily to access their jobs.

How much is the region’s population expected to grow?

2.4 million people in 20 years

Over the next 20 years, the region is projected to add 2.4 million residents which will increase pressure on an already burdened system

All Regional Mobility Work


Advancing Our Region: Preface to a Blueprint for Regional Mobility

Preface report provides high-level insights into the region’s transportation system and a baseline assessment of how we perform against the four mobility priorities.

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Richmond’s Transportation Revolution

Transit improvements have been successful in attracting riders and in providing greater access for the residents. Ridership across the GRTC system increased 17 percent from July 2018–April 2019, compared to the same period the year before—while transit ridership nationally declined by nearly two percent.

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Rethinking The Bus: Five Essential Steps For Improving Mobility In The Capital Region

This brief recommends proven actions and tools from around the world to improve bus systems and provides targeted next steps for Baltimore, Washington and Richmond.

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Tackling The Capital Region’s Roadway Congestion: Performance-driven Tolling

This brief advances six clear and demonstrable principles to reduce congestion, increase speeds, improve reliability and enhance travel options for all consumers.

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Unlocking The Promise Of Integrated Mobility In The Capital Region

This brief identifies clear steps for the region to establish a seamless, one-stop-shop mobility platform for planning and paying for any trip across the Capital Region.

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Economic and social benefits of completing the Baltimore Greenway Trails Network

This study describes the Greenway’s "economic footprint" to help stakeholders understand the estimated value created by completing the Greenway, including opportunities arising for the community, workers and local businesses and the flowthrough effects (supply chain and household consumption).

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Unlocking the potential for inclusive transit-oriented development in Anne Arundel County

This report examines TOD potential near rail stations in Anne Arundel County, Maryland (Anne Arundel or County) and identifies barriers to development. It also includes potential solutions and case study examples of TOD success achieved by other communities.

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Unlocking the potential for inclusive transit-oriented development in Prince George’s County

This report examines TOD potential near rail stations in Prince George’s County, Maryland (Prince George’s or County) and identifies barriers to development.

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Building the Transit-Oriented Region

Well-planned TOD can benefit families of all incomes and enable those living near stations to benefit from increased access to jobs and other opportunities.

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Connecting the Richmond Region: From East-West to North-South

The purpose of this study is to spur conversation and provide preliminary analysis for a possible North-South Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line to complement the Richmond region’s existing East-West BRT line, “The Pulse.” The study seeks to draw key lessons from the East-West Pulse that will be critical to consider as a North-South line is advanced.

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Blueprint for Regional Mobility
5-Year Refresh

In this Refresh, we maintain our focus on the solution areas identified in 2018. Within each, we update, refine, and consolidate the Next Moves needed to achieve each solution objective. Within our Refreshed Next Moves, the Partnership has identified six immediate priorities for 2024-2025.

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Future of Mobility: Bold Ideas for the Capital Region

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Blueprint for Regional Mobility Animated Video

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The Greater Washington partnership is taking transporation head on

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