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Executive Summary

In 2018, the Partnership laid out the region’s first employer-led, superregional agenda to transform our transportation system into an asset that boosts our global competitiveness. This "5-Year Refresh” measures progress against the priorities and actions we identified in 2018 and refreshes them accordingly, informing the next five years of our collective work to champion regional economic development through strategic transportation investments.

The Greater Washington Partnership published its Capital Region Blueprint for Regional Mobility (the Blueprint) in 2018. The Blueprint was the region’s first employer-led, comprehensive, region-wide transportation agenda to improve mobility across jurisdictional borders and integrate all transportation modes. The Partnership identified seven solution areas to connect the super-region, improve the consumer experience, ensure equitable access, and integrate innovation:

  1. Modernize Intercity & Commuter Rail
  2. Improve Roadway & Trail Performance
  3. Create HighPerforming Public Transit
  4. Grow Employer Mobility Programs
  5. Expand Access to Opportunity
  6. Enable a TechnologyDriven Future
  7. Reform Governance & Funding

The Partnership has worked to advance these solution areas by convening stakeholders across jurisdictional borders, supporting action-oriented research, developing thought leadership, aligning support behind regionally significant projects, and representing the voice of the business community in regional policy discussions.

However, in the five years since we released the Blueprint, there has been a paradigm shift in the transit and transportation landscape. The COVID-19 pandemic changed behaviors of both businesses and commuters — turbocharging the adoption of remote and hybrid work — which continue to evolve. Recognizing the progress and major shifts that have occurred since the original Blueprint was published, this Refresh is intended to help the region recalibrate on its path toward a connected, consumer-oriented, equitable, and innovative mobility system.

In this Refresh, we maintain our focus on the solution areas identified in 2018. Within each, we update, refine, and consolidate the Next Moves needed to achieve each solution objective. Within our Refreshed Next Moves, the Partnership has identified six immediate priorities for 2024-2025.

  1. Implement sustainable funding for regional transit agencies
  2. Advance the Baltimore Red Line
  3. Restore D.C. as a world-class passenger rail hub
  4. Restore Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge
  5. Support TOD & economically competitive land uses from Baltimore to Richmond
  6. Facilitate Employer Signaling on Infrastructure Investments

These immediate priorities and other Refreshed Next Moves reflect today’s regional landscape and ongoing discussions with business, institutional, and government stakeholders to advance our shared goal for a seamless, superregional transportation system that enhances economic competitiveness and quality of life.