The Greater Washington Partnership and Greater Baltimore Committee stand ready to work with leaders and partners throughout the region to deliver on this promise.

Business leaders are aligned behind

that can accelerate the transformation of

Greater Baltimore’s transit system

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Strategic Transition Memo

East-West Corridor Study         North-South Transit Study


Six Strategic Priorities

Address MTA Repair Backlog & Operator Shortage

Frequent, Reliable Bus Service to all Regional Job Centers

Regional Coordination, Decision Making, and Funding

10-Year Rapid Transit Expansion Program

Prioritize Regional Rail Investment

Equitable Development at Transit and Rail Stations

Despite its strengths, the existing transit system does not meet the needs of a 21st century economy, workforce, or population and therefore demands a course correction. Baltimore lags peer regions in transit performance in most categories of significance – the number of destinations accessible by transit, the reliability of transit options available, and the degree to which existing transit assets are leveraged to maximize their impact and potential for inclusive growth.

It has been almost a quarter century since the Baltimore metro area has opened a new rapid transit service, while expansion plans are in early stages of development, we are likely years away from construction.

This could represent a major missed opportunity, especially at a time when the federal government is making its largest investment in transit expansion in history over the next five years through the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Without leadership from public, private, and civic leaders, Baltimore will miss this historic opportunity to invest in expanding more equitable, accessible, safe, and competitive transit options.

The current state of Baltimore’s transit system results from shortcomings over many decades to adequately fund and maintain the system. Transforming the system will require collective buy-in and commitment across the civic, private, and public sectors over many years, as well as bringing new voices to the conversation, to sustain momentum toward achieving transit excellence.

Delivering success against the six priorities of Baltimore’s Transit Future strategy can help fix the transit system of today and build the transit system of tomorrow. We call on our regional leaders – public, private, and civic – to work together to establish shared solutions and collaborate on their implementation.

The Time for Action is Now.

The residents and business of Maryland’s largest city and surrounding jurisdictions deserve a world-class transit system. We must set the course for a more equitable transportation system, making the Greater Baltimore region a more attractive place to live, work, play, and build a business.

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Together, with elected leaders, local agencies, the transit workforce, community representatives, as well as private sector and civic leaders, we can deliver the transit system that empowers the Baltimore region to new heights.

Interested in supporting this effort? Please Contact:

Talya Kravitz, Associate, Regional Mobility & Infrastructure at [email protected]

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