Tuesday, May 7, 2024 -

We held our inaugural Skills Forecasting Summit, a strategic gathering of leading HR, talent acquisition and education subject matter experts from key industries, all dedicated to identifying the top skills needed for our future workforce. Together, we’re compiling our collective insights to answer the question: “How can we move the needle towards a more flexible and innovative education ecosystem that meets the region’s evolving skills demands?”

Though our region boasts one of the most diverse, educated and participatory workforces in the country, a rapidly shifting labor market and the looming jobs impact of AI underscores the need to anticipate the skills that will drive tomorrow’s economy and keep the Baltimore-Richmond corridor ahead of the curve. The Partnership is at the forefront of fostering workforce skills transparency through initiatives like the Employer Signaling System (ESS), a systematic tool that gathers continuous feedback from employers, offering a clear view of current hiring needs for educators as they equip students for high-demand roles.

The day was made possible by our hosts Nora Gardner and McKinsey & Company, and keynote speaker Chike Aguh, Senior Advisor at Harvard University’s Project on Workforce, shared invaluable AI insights.
Learn more about ESS: https://bit.ly/4beZSVk

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